General FAQ

Q. Can I send a DM (direct message) or ping ClaudiusMinimus on CM's World Discord?

A. If you do not have express permission, then NO!

Q. Why is [...] disabled?

A. Mods must work with and not replace Create. If a mod is included and provides the same function as Create, the overlapping features are disabled - for example, all auto crafting and disk storage in Refined Storage.

Q. I am playing single-player or on my server. How do I enable the removed items?

A. All removed recipes are found in minecraft/kubejs/ and can be edited in a text editor like NotePad. Do NOT use a word processor! Here are some examples: Refined Storage recipe file locations: minecraft/kubejs/server_scripts/refinedstorage.js and hiding of JEI recipes: minecraft/kubejs/client_scripts/refinedstorage.js

Q. I keep getting The One Probe Read Me every time I join the game. How do I disable it?

A. Servers open config/theoneprobe-common.toml and change spawnNote = true to spawnNote = false

As of version 1.19.2-4.7.0 The One Probe Read Me is disabled on fist join.

If you need The One Probe Read Me:

  • Open your quests

  • Go to Just Landed

  • Click on the The One Probe Read Me and click the Checkbox. (make sure dependencies are completed)

Last updated