Basic In-game Commands
Commonly used commands:
See also Command Aliases
/spawn tp
Teleports player to spawn/spawn set
* Sets the point designated as spawn
Teleport requests
/tpa <target-player>
/tpahere <target-player>
/tpaccept <target-player>
/tpdeny <target-player>
Player Homes
/home set <home-name>
/home tp <home-name>
/home delete <home-name>
/warp set <warpname>
/warp tp <warpname>
/warp delete <warpname>
Teleports the player to the last location. Does not always work if a previous teleport cannot be determined
/nickname set <nickname>
/nickname clear <nickname>
/nickname reveal <nickname>
Random Teleport
Must be in single player with cheats enabled or if on a server, then have admin privs.
Kitchen sink
/fly <target-player>
/essentialcommands config reload
Reloads configs for Essential Commands
Command Aliases
Command Aliases now allows for traditional command syntax:
/sethome [home-name]
defaults to "home"/home [home-name]
defaults to "home"/delhome <home-name>
run this when you are going to be away from the keyboard
*Must be in single player with cheats enabled or if on a server, then have admin privs.
Names in brackets '[name]' are optional. Names in '' are required. Do not use quotes ', brackets '[]' or '<>' in commands.
Last updated