Early Game
If you are playing sky block, then lots of recipes have been added to help you progress. Everything you need to get started is on your floating island. Save everything! Start looking for resources, utilize REI, and your quest book! Think Botania!
This is actually in the $(l:videos_farms)Useful Farms$ chapter, but feel it is important enough to list here too. $(l:videos_farms#dripstone)Dripstone, Lava and More...$ "
Quest Book
Your quest book will become your best friend playing CCA. Assign a Hotkey to your quest book: Menu > Controls... > Key Binds... > search "quests".
Unless playing Skyblock, begin with "Starting Out" quests, then move on to the "Create" quests as soon as you can. The Create quests with square icons are the most important to start.
Skyblock Quests
Using your quest book is especially important when playing Skyblock. Start with Botania and then Garden of Glass. Once you get your basics, start incorporating the Create quests. However, don't forget about Starting Out quests, those may be important too.
Create Mod
A wonderful feature in Create is Ponder. Put your cursor over the Large Cogwheel image, then press and hold the W
key to view an animation using the cogwheel. Ponder is available for many Create blocks and items.
Andesite Alloy
Making Andesite Alloy is vital to get started in Create. There is very limited Andesite on the island, though there is Diorite which may prove invaluable for making this alloy!
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